Catalog I edition Ponza LandArt 2023
THEME OF THE 1st edition Ponza LandArt 2023 – THE GARDEN IN THE GARDEN
The sensory experience that accompanies anyone who enters a garden is something unique and personal. You are catapulted, together with your soul, into a space full of sensations, images, smells and emotions.
In this place of reflection, which also represents an intimate world where you can find serenity or face your anxieties, you can get lost and find yourself.
It is a “garden within a garden”, not only physical, but also internal, in which each of us can reflect and find the right stimulus to better face our own personal journey.
This situation of solitude should not be understood in a negative sense, but rather a pleasant opportunity to be alone in nature, away from the distractions of everyday life.
The care and attention towards these magical, physical and intimate places, forced to face the passage of time, the establishment of schemes, prejudices, expectations and social constraints that can preclude their opening, covering it with useless and harmful weeds, it leads us to rediscover that piece of life within us, perhaps a little forgotten.
Taking care of it, facing the seasons and the changes that time brings with it, makes us aware that we can go towards the best springs and carefree summers, but also long and dark winters and autumns that taste of melancholy.
By accepting these passages, knowing that nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect and being aware of the transience and imperfection of things, it makes us appreciate the old and the faded like a flower beyond its flowering, it brings us to the state of serenity and harmony within us.
All artistic techniques capable of interacting in a natural way with the place where the works will be permanently exhibited will be admitted: land art works, murals, sculptures and installations all site specific, designed for the places on the hill of the Ponziano botanical garden with which they will have to dialogue in a sustainable way, with particular attention to the use of non-polluting materials, but which resist bad weather and have their own design safety, a study of effective stability. Performances not strictly related to the visual arts (music, dance, poetry) are not excluded.
The materials and the creation of the work will be the responsibility of the selected artists who will have to evaluate the effective possibility of creating it on the island.
Ponza LandArt is an artistic residence organized by the Eumorfia Cultural Association which will be held from 5 to 11 April 2023 (Easter period).
The artists will live a sharing experience with each other and the wonderful natural space that welcomes them, the botanical garden of Ponza (LT), Italy. They will be hosted free of charge for the 7 days of the residence in the apartments located inside the garden. It will only be necessary to bring with you, towels, sheets and blanket. The journey, food, materials and personal insurance remain the responsibility of the selected artist.
Each artist will be able to independently organize their days with other artists and at the same time be free to manage their own schedules and work.
The artistic intervention will be freely chosen by the artist who will be committed to safeguarding biodiversity and at the same time promoting sustainable art.
The works created will become part of the heritage of the garden and of the cultural association Eumorfia. Both for the naturalistic and artistic part, the botanical garden can be visited by reservation.
Participation is free. The materials and the creation of the work will be the responsibility of the selected artists who will have to evaluate the effective possibility of creating it on the island, where it is not easy to find all the necessary materials. It is necessary to inquire beforehand and obtain everything necessary for the installation of your project.
Applications are open until February 10th 2023 and can be submitted to the email address ponzalandart@laurapagliai.com, attaching the following documents:
– project of the work to be proposed (sketch, drawing, photo), complete with technical data for safety, stability and sustainability
– personal data (name, surname, origin, telephone, email, website)
– artistic curriculum
– portfolio of previous works
– privacy consent, media disclosure and consent to permanent exhibition
+39 338 7543905
FB – Instagram Ponza LandArt
Via Madonna 28
collina Belvedere
PONZA (LT), Italy